Al-Huda Science Academy is focusing not only on short questions and long questions but also on Biology Chapter 14 MCQs Class 11. Entry Tests required a lot of effort on Multiple Choice Questions that should be of conceptual in nature. The users can participate without login to MCQs test. All MCQs are taken from the past papers of Punjab Boards. Chapter 14 of F.Sc Part 1 Biology is based on Gaseous Exchange.
Biology Chapter 14 includes
- Need for transport of material
- Transport in plants
- Ascent of SAP
- Types of transpiration
- Transport in man
- Disorders
- Lymphatic system
- Immunity and its types
Biology Chapter 14 MCQs Class 11
#1. The roots of prosopis tree may penetrate deep in the soil upto:
#2. Which of the following artery supplies blood to heart muscles:
#3. Casparian strips are present in the cells of root:
#4. Cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in adjacent cell wall are:
#5. Casparian strips are present in:
#6. Which one of the following animal has closed blood circulatory system:
#7. Histamine is produced by:
#8. Disorder in which hemoglobin molecules have F chain instead of B chain is known as:
#9. Cerebral infarction is also known as:
#10. The condition cause narrowing and hardening of arteries is called:
#11. Active transport is selective and is dependent on:
#12. Liver receives blood from digestive system through:
#13. The volume of dry seed may increase up to 200 times after absorbing water by:
#14. The exachange of food material takes place through:
#15. The pairs of lateral hearts in Earthworm are:
#16. The phenomenon associated with root pressure is:
#17. The upward movement of sap through the xylem is:
#18. Loss of liquid water through water secreting glands is called:
#19. Blood is not involved in transport of gases in:
#20. The heart of fish work as:
#21. Narrowing and hardening of arteries is:
#22. The ions involved in the opening and closing of stomata are:
#23. Temperature causes closure of stomata:
#24. Which is not true for guard cells:
#25. Which one contains companion cells:
#26. The cells which supply ATP and proteins to sieve tubes are:
#27. The pressure flow theory was first proposed in 1930 by:
#28. The most abundant compound in blood plasma is:
#29. The weight of the blood in our body is about of our body:
#30. Which one is not involve in clotting of blood:
#31. Normal pH of human blood is:
#32. ________ is an example of Agranulocytes:
#33. Which of the following is not true about histamine:
#34. platelets are fragments of larges cells called:
#35. One cubic millimeter of human male blood contains RBC:
#36. The lymph vessels open into:
#37. In normal human body percentage of plasma in blood volume is:
#38. Blood provides immunity by:
#39. Platelets are not cells, but are fragments of large cells called:
#40. A substance that inhibits blood clotting is:
#41. Which is found in herestitial fluid:
#42. Which one of following is not cell but the fragments of large cells:
#43. The renal vein brings the impure blood form:
#44. Liver receives blood from digestive system through:
#45. Antiserum is a serum containing:
#46. The uncontrolled production of white blood cells result in:
#47. Hemoglobin in most cases, doesnot have Beta-chain in it,instead F-chain is present in:
#48. The heart is enclosed in a double membranous sac, the:
#49. Which one is not the layer of wall of heart:
#50. One complete heart beat consists of one systole and one diastole, and last for about:
#51. In the embryonic life red blood cells are formed in:
#52. A condition of high blood pressure is known as:
#53. Match heart attack with one of the followings:
#54. Which one of the following is not present in interestitial fluid:
#55. Passive immunity is developed by injecting:
#56. The valve present in the veins are:
#57. Veins are the blood vessels which transport blood from body cells towards:
#58. Discharge of blood from blood vessels is called as:
#59. Average life span of Red blood cell is:
#60. The white blood cells which have life span of months or even years are:
#61. Enlargement of spleen is seen in:
#62. Thalassaemia is also called:
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