Letter or Application Format for BA English

Letter and Application Format for BA English

Are you looking for a simple and only one format that may help you to write multiple letters of application easily? This format will assist you to find the most appropriate and reliable way to write the best letter in English.

Letter Format for BA English

Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.

January 20, 2010

The Editor, “The news”,



The Director-General,

Multi-National Company,

Subject: Letter or application to ————————–

Respected Sir,

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to invite the attention of the authorities towards the deplorable problem/ evil of ———– prevailing in our society.

As you know, Pakistani society has, of late, been afflicted with (affected) the severe social problem of ————————-, addiction to drugs, poor political system, severe terrorism, rising prices in daily items, traffic mess, discriminating attitude of the police towards civilians, overloading and overcharging of fares, etc.

Above all, today, the matter of ———- is under discussion. It is a demon devouring our society.

Government officials can do nothing to uproot it. Even the genuine and fair piece of work is put to a halt in red-tapism.

Many are fed up with government officials and their corruption. The higher officials do not pay attention to public complaints. Even public representatives and politicians are involved in corruption. They are dishonest. Therefore, any social evil cannot be eradicated so easily.

The Quaid of the Nation had alerted the nation at the very beginning of all the problems. He had asked the government to restrain them with an iron hand. The nation is falling deeper into these problems day by day.

It is, therefore, advised that the nation needs honest, sincere, resolute, and dedicated leadership to get rid of all the evils and issues found in society. The government and media should play a positive role in this respect.

Let’s hope, the authorities concerned —————— will feel their duty in best of national interests lest some epidemic should carry off a large number of people.

Thanking you for consideration.



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