Ahsa.Pk has carefully found some 2nd Year Chemistry Important Short Questions that are most essential ones for class 12 students’ board examination preparation.
2nd Year Chemistry Important Short Questions
Chapter 1
- Why melting and boiling points of elements belonging to group VA –VIIA are lower.
- Discuss the trend of ionization energy in periodic table.
- Why first ionization energy of Mg is greater than that of Na?
- Define electron affinity. Give its trend in Periodic table.
- Write any two resemblances of hydrogen with Alkali Metals.
- Give reason that hydration energy of Al3+ ions is more than Mg2+ ions.
Chapter 2
- Why group IIA elements are called Alkaline Earth Metals.
- Give reason that alkali metals are strong reducing agents.
- Why is CaCl2 added in molten NaCl in Down’s cell
- Write the advantages of Nelson’s cell.
- Differentiate between Alkali and Alkaline earth metal.
- Lithium is least reactive element of all alkali metals. Give reasons.
Chapter 3
- Aqueous solution of borax is alkaline in nature Justify the statement.
- What is reaction of heat on orthoboricacid, H3BO3?
- Give reactions of Aluminium with dilute and concentrated H2SO4.
- Outline any four uses of aluminum?
- Give two similarities between carbon and silicon.
Chapter 4
- How does nitrogen differ from other elements of its group?
- Why does aqua regia dissolve gold and platinum?
- Why the elements of group VI A other than oxygen show more than two oxidation states.
- Write down a comparison of the properties of oxygen and sulphur.
- Write down the equation for the reaction between conc. H2SO4 and copper and explain what type of reaction is it.
- “N2O supports combustion” Give two reactions in favour of the statement?
- What happens when NO2 is dissolved in water?
- Give reaction of Cu with dil. HNO3 and conc. HNO3.
- Write any four uses of nitric acid?
- How does HNO3 act as an oxidizing agent?
- What is aque-regia?
- Write two dissimilarities of oxygen and sulphur?
- What is the optimum condition for the manufacture of H2SO4 in the contact process?
- Write two reactions in which sulphuric acid acts as a dehydrating agent.
- How sulphuric acid act as an oxidizing agent.
- Write any four important uses of H2SO4.
Chapter 5
- Arrange the following ions in order of increasing size F, CL- , Br-, I-.
- Why iodine has metallic luster?
- Why the lattice energy of Fluorides is greater than Chlorides.
- Halogens are strong oxidizing agents. Justify.
- On what factors, oxidizing power of halogen depends upon.
- Why oxidizing power of halogens decreases down the group?
- HF is a weak acid, while HCl is a strong acid. Give reason.
- Write down reaction of chlorine with cold and hot NaOH.
- HXO4 is the strongest oxyacid. Explain.
- Write four uses of Bleaching powder.
- Write Chemical reactions of Bleaching powder with HCl and NH3.
- What happen when bleaching powder reacts with the following reagents dil H2SO4 excess of conce. H2SO4, NH3, HI and CO3.
Chapter 6
- Give four important characteristics of transition elements.
- What are interstitial compounds?
- Give reason for the development of colours in the transition complexes.
- What is Tin plating and what happens when it is damaged?
- Define sacrificial corrosion.
Chapter 7
- What is vital force Theory?
- Define “Thermal cracking”.
- Define catenation?
- What is catalytic cracking?
- Octane number of gasoline is improved by reforming. Explain.
- Differentiate between Alicyclic and aromatic compounds.
- What are alicyclic compounds? Give an example.
- Write name and structure of two aromatic heterocyclic compounds.
- Define tautumerism, give an example.
- 1-Butyne does not show geometrical isomerism, but 2-Butene does. Give reason?
- Why is restricted rotation necessary to show the geometrical isomerism?
- What is metamerism? Give an example.
Chapter 8
- Write structural formulas of the following: But-1- en- 3 –yne & Vinyl acetylene.
- Prepare alkanes from Clemmensen and Wolf-Kishner’s reduction methods from aldehyde or ketone?
- How ethane can be prepared by Kolb’s electrolysis?
- What is the effect of branching on boiling points of alkanes?
- Sigma bonds are inert in alkanes. Justify.
- What is heat of combustion?
- Convert CH4 to CH2O.
- Give four uses of methane?
- Convert methane to ethane?
- Ethene can be converted into ethyl alcohol. Write equation.
- What is Baeyer’s test? What are its uses?
- Describe how we can distinguish between ethane and ethane?
- Explain Markownikov’s rule with one example.
- Define Rany nickel. Give its uses?
- Give the mechanism of ozonolysis of ethane?
- What is hydrogenolysis? Give an example.
- How will you convert 1- butane to 1 – butyne.
- How ethyne is converted to ,(a)- Acetaldehyde (b) Benzene.
- How Cis and Trans alkenes are obtained from alkynes.
- Distinguish between ethane and ethyne by a chemical test.
Chapter 9
- What are monocyclic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons?
- Write names and draw structures of three possible isomers of Xylene?
- Give two reasons to rule out straight chain structure of benzene?
- What informations are obtained about structure of benzene from X-ray studies?
- Define resonance energy? What is the resonance energy of Benzene?
- Why benzene is less reactive than alkenes although it has three pi bond in it.
- Benzene can be prepared commercially form acetylene. Give reaction with conditions?
- What is Wurtz-Fritting reaction?
- Give the mechanism of nitration of Benzene?
- Give mechanism of sulphonation of Benzene?
- Convert bezne in to (i)- Toluene (ii)- Acetophenone
- Write the mechanism of alkylation of benzene?
- Write the reaction when mixture of benzene vapours and oxygen is passed over heated vanadium pentoxide.
- How toluene can be converted to benzoic acid?
- What is meant by meta directing group.
Chapter 10
- What are primary and tertiary Alkyl Halides? Give examples.
- Prepare alkyl halides from alcohols by two methods?
- Write excellent method to prepare alkyle iodide.
- What is leaving group? Give examples.
- Define electrophile and nucleophile?
- Give general mechanism patterns of SN2 reaction.
- Discuss E2 mechanism.
- What are elimination reactions? Give example E1 reaction.
- What are B-Elimination reactions?
Chapter 11
- Why ethyl alcohol is liquid while Ethyl chloride is gas at room temperature.
- Absolute alcohol cannot be prepared by fermentation process. Why?
- Explain denaturing of alcohol?
- How will you distinguish between methanol and ethanol?
- How will you distinguish between 1- propanol and 2- propanol?
- Write four uses of each methanol and ethanol.
- Prepare phenol from chlorobenzene by Dow’s method.
- Write down two methods for the preparation of phenol.
- Why Phenol is acidic while alcohol is not?
- Explain acidic behavior of phenol.
Chapter 12
- Define aldol condensation. Give its mechanism.
- Define Cannizaro’s reaction. Explain its mechanism with a suitable example.
- Write four tests by which aldehydes can be distinguished from ketones.
- Write any four uses of acetaldehyde.
Chapter 13
- Write down structural formulae of pthalic acid and malonic acid.
- Write down mechanism of reactions. (a) Between acetic acid and ethanol (b) Acetic acid and thinoyl chloride
- How would you convert acetic acid into methane and acetic anhydride.
- What happens when followings are heated?
a) Sodium Format and Soda lime
b) Sodium acetate and soda lime
- Give four uses of acetic acid?
Chapter 15
- Distinguish micronutrients and macronutrients for plants. Chapter 15
- Give reactions of preparation of urea by using NH3 and CO2.
- Brief about perilling of urea.
- Write down formulas for superphosphate and triple phosphate.
- Explain the importance of potassium fertilizer.
- How urea is manufactured? Write its reactions.
- What are phosphatic fertilizers? Give two formulas of phosphatic fertilizer.
- Give an idea about clinker.
- Define cement. Give its essential components.
- Draw flow sheet diagram for the manufacture of cement.
- Describe chemical changes that occur in the different zones during the manufacture of cement.
- What do you mean by Calcareous materials and argillaceous material, the manufacturing of cement?
- What are clinkers? How are they converted into cement?
- Write various types of raw material used in preparation of cement.