Honesty is the Best Policy story for class 11 is a moral story including two characters, a woodcutter and an angel. Meaning of honesty is the quality to be honest in all dealings.

Honesty is the Best Policy Story for Class 11

Honesty is the Best Policy Story for Class 11

Once a woodcutter lived in a small village. Although he was poor, had a strong faith in God and blessings of hard work. He earned his living by cutting and selling wood in the city. He used to work day in and day out to earn his livelihood.

He was gratified with his lot. One day, he was cutting a tree growing on the steep bank of a river. Unfortunately, the axe fell from his hands into the depths of flowing water. The axe was the only source of earning his livelihood. This unsupportable loss was a bolt from the blue for him. As he didn’t know what to do, he started weeping mournfully.

 Meanwhile, an angel happened to pass there. He saw the woodcutter weeping and soliciting to God. The angel was intensely moved by the gloomy condition of the woodcutter. He came up to the woodcutter and requested the reason for his sadness. The woodcutter told the whole sad story. He requested the angel to help him as he was the sole main source of income to his family. The angel felt sad for the woodcutter and guaranteed him of his help. The angel dived into the river to find out the lost axe of woodcutter. He appeared with a gold axe from the water in his hand. But the woodcutter negated to get the axe as it wasn’t his.

The angel dived into the water for another time. Now, he came into sight with an axe that was made of silver. The poor woodcutter was still sad. He shook his head still harder and supplicated to find out own axe that was made of iron.

The angel came out of the water with an iron axe at third attempt. Gleaming with joy, the woodcutter screamed on the top of his voice, “this axe is mine”. He thanked the angel for helping him. The angel was deeply fascinated by his honesty. He gave him all the three axes as a price of his honesty.


  1. Honesty is the best policy
  2. Honest dealings are always supreme
  3. Always speak the truth
  4. Virtue never goes waste

By Ahsa.Pk

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