Ahsa.pk is focusing not only on short questions and long questions but also on Math Chapter 3 MCQs Class 11. Entry Tests required a lot of effort on Multiple Choice Questions that should be conceptual in nature. The users can participate without login into the MCQs test. All MCQs are taken from the past papers of Punjab Boards including Bahawalpur Board, DG Khan Board, Faisalabad Board, Gujranwala Board, Lahore Board, Multan Board, Rawalpindi Board, Sahiwal Board, and Sargodha Board.
Chapter 3 of F.Sc/I.Cs Part 1 Math is based on Number System.
Math Chapter 3 MCQs Class 11
You have secured more than 70% to pass the test.
#1. (AB)^t = _____
#2. A equation of the form ax + by = c is called:
#3. The principal diagonal of a square matrix is also called:
#4. If ‘A’ is a square matrix of order 3 x then |A| = ______
#5. A is non-singular matrix then AA^-1 is:
#6. Let A be a non-zero matrix if r is the number of non-zero rows when it is reduced to the reduced echelon form, then r is called the:
#7. Let A and B are two matrices of same order then (A+B)^t = _____
#8. Matrix multiplication is:
#9. If the coefficient matrix of the homogenous system is singular then the solution is:
#10. If the order of A is m x p and order if B is p x n then order of AB is:
#11. If ‘A’ is multiplicative inverse of ‘B’ then:
#12. If the matrix has only one row but more than one column, the matrix is:
#13. If |A| is the determination of a square matrix A then |A| is:
#14. If A and B are m x n matrices and c is a scalar then c(A + B) = cB, this property is called:
#15. Let a be any matrix then (A^t)^t =
#16. If ‘A’ is a square matrix of order 3 x 3 then |KA| equals:
#17. A square matrix A = [aij] is called skew symmetric if:
#18. If the system has no solution, then the system is:
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